Happy International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day!

For me, I could not be the woman I am without all of the amazing, strong and determined women who came before me, including my grandmother and my mother. I am strong and determined, I can vote, get any education I want and be whomever I please because of them.

In my life today, I am constantly inspired by the “Gudrie girls” who, whether they were married into the family or born into it, epitomize what it means to be loving, caring, and independent women. My daughters, Kalina and Livi, make me proud every day because of their strong beliefs in justice and equality for all and their consistent action to ensure it happens. And, I am surrounded by the best group of friends a woman could ask for who constantly raise the bar on what it means to be a kind, generous, and kick-ass woman.

I also would not be who I am and where I am without two very special men. My father raised his six daughters to believe they could do anything and his insistence on post-secondary education was a gift for us all. And my husband, Ron, epitomizes this years slogan, #BalanceforBetter as he supports me in every way possible to go after my dream while taking over most of the “traditionally female” (I hope that phrase one day has no meaning) roles in our household. There has always been equality in our relationship and I am grateful for him every day!

Balance can be reached in every aspect of our society if we work together, respect each other, value each other and, most importantly, value ourselves. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, part-time employee, CEO of a company or head of a country, we all have an important role in making the world a better place for everyone!

Take a moment today and celebrate the woman in your life who have loved, supported, and celebrated you and helped you become the person you are today!

Are You in Full Bloom?

Are You in Full Bloom?

I have been working so hard over the past couple of months on my program I was starting to feel burnt out. Have you ever felt like that…gas gauge is on empty?

After dealing with a health challenge last fall, I take burn out seriously and decided it was time for a break.

I wanted to go to High Park in Toronto to see the cherry blossoms, but that would have basically killed a full day. So, I instead went to the Kariya Park Japanese gardens where I made an amazing discovery about nature and life!

There was one tree, only one, that was fully bloomed. Everyone in the park stopped to take pictures, hang out underneath, marvel at its beauty, and shared all about it on social media. The hundreds of other trees didn’t get a lot of attention.

I thought two things:

One, the tree that stood tall, showed all of its own unique glory, and went full-out was the tree that got attention. I realized that is what is true for people as well. Those people we want pictures with and marvel at and share about on social media are the ones that are confident, authentic, living full-out and sharing their own unique glory.

Secondly, that tree didn’t worry about whether it was too flashy, too bold, too unique, too loud, too beautiful, or that it may be hurting the other trees by shining so bright. It just sought to be its own best version. The results didn’t matter because a tree doesn’t care about what anyone thinks. It just is. Could you imagine if we took on that attitude? We just sought to be our own best version without attachment to outcome?

Next time you start thinking about dimming your light to make others feel more comfortable, think about this tree and bloom to your highest potential because that is what you are put on earth to do!

If you need help, set up a free 30-minute Clarity Call with me here and let’s get you blooming!


Why Did This Happen to Me?

Why Did This Happen to Me?

Sometimes we wonder “why.”

Why did this happen to ME?

Today’s plan: fly to San Diego via Chicago.

Reality: 3 hour mechanical delay, get off the ground finally for Chicago and they close O’Hare due to weather, we get diverted to Milwaukee for fuel, and the crew times out.

Bonus trip: Milwaukee!!!

Bright side: I am not travelling with small children, I have water and food, I do not HAVE to be in San Diego today like those who missed birthday parties, wedding rehearsals, and a funeral.

But, I wondered why me falling asleep in Milwaukee instead of San Diego.

Most times we never get an answer to a question like that.

I did.

I sat on my flight to Phoenix ( best option to get to San Diego on day two) between two good friends. They did the old “book the two outside seats because no one wants to sit in the middle” move. They were wrong as the flight was full and so I sat there. I gave them an option to sit together but they said no.

We talked about everything, as three women have a tendency to do. It came up one of them just lost her job and she was reeling from the impact and confused as to what to do.

I told her my story and told her she needs to give herself permission to live her life for her. She started to cry. She needed to hear those words and I got to deliver them because I got diverted yesterday.

I believe the Universe is constantly conspiring on our behalf. I am not sure if someone else would have sat in my seat and did the same thing. I’m not sure if there would have been anyone sitting there at all if there hadn’t been dozens of us put on the plane to Phoenix because of the grounded flight. What I know for sure is that my 36 hour travel time to San Diego was easier to take knowing I had a positive impact on a stranger sitting beside me in the airplane.

I wish I could promise never to ask “why me” in the future when things go wrong after seeing such a clear reason this time. I can’t. I do hope that this will take the sting out of it next time knowing that everything has a reason, we just sometimes don’t get to see it.